A constellation is a pattern of stars as seen from the earth . 一个星座只是从地球上看到的某些恒星的一种样子。
We have analyzed the migration process as seen by the individual migrant . 我们从个别移民的看法,分析了移居的过程。
As seen in chapter 4, these measures depress food production and can be very costly if maintained over long periods . 如第四章所述,用这些手段抑制粮食生产,若长期实行就可能付出极大的代价。
The appearance and apparent size of venus as seen from the earth depend upon the relative positions of the two planets and the sun . 从地球上看到的金星的外貌和视在尺度取决于它与地球、太阳的相对位置。
The role of most magazines, as seen by their owners, was to act as a broker in bringing together the buyers and sellers of goods . 在老板们看来,大部分杂志的作用是充当商品的卖主和买主之间牵线搭桥的中间人。
With wide stripes, however, higher order lateral modes are generally dominant as seen in the near-field micrograph of fig. 7. 7. 1 . 但是,当条形较宽时,一般都是高阶横模占优势,这可以从图771的近场显微照片看出来。
Peter weiss in his play "marat/sade" portrays a turbulent world as seen through the eyes of the inmates of the charenton asylum . 波特韦斯在他的《玛拉特和塞德》一剧中,通过夏郎东神经病院患者的眼睛描绘出一个动荡不安的世界。
Adipose tissue as seen in a regular histological section 组织切片可见脂肪组织。
The impact of arabic as seen in its loanwords in other languages 现代阿语的构词方法
Man as seen in dostoyevsky ' s orthodox poetics 陀思妥耶夫斯基正教诗学中的人